Sunday Style

Because this is Sunday Style I am going to tell you some of the funny isla quotes, circumstances… that i have typed on my phone and left there… until now that is. Sunday Edition. 

After going up to temple square in SLC she is now obsessed with being mehreed (married) and now points out all the temples. She insists she is married. "I mehreed too!" I asked her where she was getting married not knowing their was a picture of the temple behind me and she said "right there (pointing behind me) in da temple!" 

Leaving for church Justin says to Isla "come on babe!" Then Isla turned to Me and said " come on babe!" 

The stealing the temple at Swiss days:
We were at Swiss Days with my mom and Isla saw a picture of the Salt Lake City temple on a piece of woods She ran to it and  grabbed it and hugged it. Then when I tried to put it back she ran off yelling "but mommy I love the temple! I LOVE THE TEMPLE!" Hugging it tightly and turning side to side. I finally caught her and took her back the the booth and they thought it was so cute and funny they gave it to her. So the first thing she ever stole was a picture of the temple. Ironic. 


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