i'm back

im back-- sorry i have been away longer then expected. this has been occupying (more like taken over) my time- but now i am finally done so i can get back to my life! 


Barb Elder said…
I have lost Carlie to this book also. She lives in her room. Maybe she will come out for food but not much.
lyn. said…
I just got started and it's very hard to stop and do the necessary things like going to work... lol
Anonymous said…
I just finished...disappointed to say the least!!
Wendi said…
I took Twilight with me to the beach.
I had it read in 2 days.
I found a little bookstore and immediately bought New Moon.
I am almost done.
I hope to go buy 3 and 4 this weekend.
If only I didn't have real life in the way of my Edward!
Thanks for passing on my new addiction!

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