party time!

we are pretty much having a party at my apartment tonight! and i know i should go to bed- but it is just too crazy here! honestly there is like 13 people in one small apartment! oh the college life!


Macie said…
Ahhh. . .I loved college life. Live it up.
Unknown said…
i liked the picture, and now i am in college and i feel old....
lauren said…
yes you are so old... good thing you finally recognize it

and i am still sooo much younger than you... by six days in fact
Unknown said…
well actually that tanning you do ages your skin up to a week so technically i am one day younger then you!
Unknown said…
i just caught on to the "is like".... but it was late when i wrote this- in fact because of this night, i am on probation....haha me- i never get in trouble! isn't that funny, me of all people!

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