i got tagged

well here are some things about me--- i am not sure what to say...

1- i about to leave the nest and spread my wings- it should be fun- and it will definitly be interesting!

2- i just got a laptop!!! i absolutly love it! i will post pics later.

3- when i am on loratab i just love everyone! (for example i wrote everyone notes in my family on how much i loved them like at 4:30 am.... haha) oh and i am only on loratab because i got my wisdom teeth out- i am no druggie

4- i used to dance to "stop in the name of love" in the street when i was younger

5- i like math- which isn't that wierd but i am running out of things to tell you. and can also help explain my total lack of ability to spell!

6- i have a great fear of failure! i know it is stupid because you learn from failure, but i simply can't help it- the thought alone brings me to tears.... it's awful!

7- i learned this summer that my life calling is to become a shrink. haha jk

8- i have to get luggage that i can tell apart from other peoples' luggage- i can't go to the airport and watch the luggage come off the plane and try and guess which is mine....that is why i love my knock off louis luggage- i know when mine is coming!

9-i really like to exersize! not really sports but like yoga, pilaties, running, weights, dancing,,,, girl exersize i guess.

10- i really really want to be a talk show host!!!! (i want to be the next kelly ripa- who has a photo studio on the side!) haha very practical i know.

-i tag- - christina- lauren- and melissa


brittany said…
yoga is for everyone! lol! I like when you post stuff about yourself, you are funny! :)
lauren said…
Christina said…
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Unknown said…
yes i do christina! haha
brittany said…
aly, could you forward the photo message to me? itybitybmw@hotmail.com

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